Friday, July 25, 2008
Goulash for a frugal quick meal
This week I am sharing Mom's Goulash. I remember my Mother making this when I was a child. I don't know if it was her reason to make it because it was frugal and easy. But nonetheless I remember her making it and she still does to this day. I have to be honest it is not a favorite of mine but my brother always loved it! I'll admit to being fussy at times - I am easy to please but picky at the same time. For example a simple bowl of cereal and I'm happy :-)
So here is the recipe for Mom's Goulash.
1 lb hamburger meat
1 (26 ounce) can tomato soup
1 (10 3/4 ounce) can tomato soup
2 (8 ounce) bags macaroni
1/4 cup chopped onion
salt and pepper to taste
All you do is brown the hamburger meat and onion add the tomato soup. While doing this boil the macaroni. Then drain the water from the macaroni and add it to the meat mixture. Add some salt and pepper to taste. You can also sprinkle some Parmesan cheese if you desire.
And if you do not have any tomato soup on hand try using ketchup!
There you go!!!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Time To Make The Donuts!!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Menu Planning Monday

I know I know I'm late with this...
I did my grocery trips this weekend. I'm still intrigued with The Grocery Cart Challenge. I am a work in progress but I'll get there!!! My overall goal for this month is $450 - so let's see!? I think that is realistic and who knows with time I may improve but the goal is to maintain. I want my family first of all to eat healthy and not to feel deprived. I am pretty much up to $300 now - but I have plenty of meals planned and and abundance of food to last at least until 07/22 so I predict all is doable. My curve ball right now is the Safeway Summer Saving Promotion. Check this out over with Money Making Mom. I plan to stock up with the savings using Safeway Summer Saving Promotion, while planning my meals and grocery trips with The Grocery Cart Challenge and maintain my budget. We'll see how it goes!!!!
Menu Planning Monday
Any fruit breakfast cobler
amish baked oatmeal - Another big hit in our household
weight watcher pumpkin muffins
buttermilk pancakes (froznen from last week)
orange julies smoothies - my kids and are lovin these!! And I enjoy them as well!!
Vegatarin chili with weight watchers corn bread
Oven Fried Eggplant with marinana sauce
crockpot potato chowder - a hit with both my kids :-)
salmon loaf and brocolli
vegatarian meat loaf with green beans
ranch potatos
Ground Beef Gyros
Falfels - One of my personal favs. but it's growing on my hubby!
babysitter cookies
Friday, July 11, 2008
Fun Times!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Grocery Shopping Day...and Happy Canada Day!

To follow up with yesterdays post today was my grocery shopping day! I actually got a LOT of groceries for a total of $75.01. I have everything to cover the meals in my blog from yesterday plus lots and lots of extras. I saved $14 with coupons! Yeah! Both my husband and I are cereal fanatics. Today I got Honey Nut Cheerios for 75 cents and Kashi cereal for 50 cents. I got the Kashi cereal deal from Money Saving Mom CVS June 28 posting. Thank You Money Saving Mom!!! After reading The Grocery Challenge blog I am curious to see what my Grocery Bill will be for the month?!?!?