I can hardly belive my first born is FIVE YEARS OLD! His babyhood is surly over. I'am sure I'll love this age as I have loved his earlier milestones. And, I'll embrace his growing independence. But, sometimes when I look at him I can still see my itty bitty baby in his face.
The morning of Matthew's birthday he just made my day. In his heart he must of known how I felt. I was saying Matthew - I just can't believe you're five years old today. His reply was "Mommy, I'll always be your baby". That was just music to my ears!!!
Matthew had a fantastic birthday. Cupcakes with his friends at preschool. A party with his playgroup friends at Chick Fil A. And, a famly day to the lego store and Dylan's Canday Bar. He got a ton of legos for his birthday. Legos are his latest favorite!