Sunday, December 26, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Fall Fun
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Happy 5th Birthday Matthew

I can hardly belive my first born is FIVE YEARS OLD! His babyhood is surly over. I'am sure I'll love this age as I have loved his earlier milestones. And, I'll embrace his growing independence. But, sometimes when I look at him I can still see my itty bitty baby in his face.
The morning of Matthew's birthday he just made my day. In his heart he must of known how I felt. I was saying Matthew - I just can't believe you're five years old today. His reply was "Mommy, I'll always be your baby". That was just music to my ears!!!
Matthew had a fantastic birthday. Cupcakes with his friends at preschool. A party with his playgroup friends at Chick Fil A. And, a famly day to the lego store and Dylan's Canday Bar. He got a ton of legos for his birthday. Legos are his latest favorite!
Another stage for the THREE of us.

Preschool! We all had a first this month.! Matthew has started PreK , Andrew Preschool, And myself teaching preschool. So far it's been a fun adventure! The boys have made many new friends. One night just as Matthew was falling asleep he says to me "Mommy I can't believe it I'm finally in school!" The boys little conversations in the back seat on the way home from school are just ADORABLE. I think my favorite was on Tuesday their chapel day. They were both talking about their lessons on God. And, I overheard Matthew telling Andrew ... and Jesus made my legos. LOL!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Three Year Old!!

Andrew had a fantastic birthday week. On his actual birthday we had a fun filled family day. Chris took the day off work and we headed to Splashway waterpark. It was so fun! Matthew enjoyed most of the water slides - he has no fear this year. So, him and his dad had a blast trying our the slides. Andrew, on the other hand was a little timid of some of the slides. He stayed in his comfort zone on the smaller slides and splashing about having a good time. We packed our cooler with lunch to have at the park. And, on the way home we stopped for a pizza for dinner. The boys were just pooped once we got home and slept so well that night.
The next day we had a little party with some of his close friends at Chick Fil A. Andrew's face lit up when daddy and the Chick Fil A cow arrived. He also LOVED his cake that I proudly made :-) I"m trying my best to keep up the tradition of creating the boys cakes each year.
Andrew's been spoiled with awesome presents from friends and family all week. He has a very nice collection of Disney Cars now that is his latest favorite.
Ahhhh to be three!!! Just don't grow up too fast, too soon my little boy!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Cooking Again!!!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Mom's Visit
We had my Mother visit us for a month from March into April. We really enjoyed having her! Chris and I got some breaks - Out for date nights!!! I got to escape and get grocerys by myself and even fit a shopping day in. We enjoyed many adventures together - strawberry picking at Froberg Farms, a trip to The Houston Zoo, picnics in parks, a train ride in Herman Park, a trip to Galveston Beach, a trip to Brenham to see the wild flowers and enjoy a treat at Blue Bell Creamery. Mom also enjoyed doing lots of shopping :-)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Gardening With Little Boys...

Yesterday I did a ton of gardening. My boys found a frog! They wanted to give him a drink so headed for the hose - one held him the other gave him a drink! This froggie gave them about an hour of fun. From Andrew running around saying " He likes me, Mommy he likes me." To Matthew putting him in their water table and saying he could not move because he was froggie sitting. Oh the joys of childhood!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Look Who's Cooking!!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
A Park Day!

( The first picture is Matthew with is friend Isabella. They've been good friends for 3 plus years and she is moving but, staying in the state at least. The next picture is Matthew best friend "Josh" who is also moving to New York. Matthew is crushed with this move! And the last picture is sweet Andrew giving me a flower.)
This whole week we are stuck home because my sweet hubby has meetings offsite all week. So that requires transportation and our one and only car! The sound of that at the beginning of the week sounded so awful! I thought we would be dying with cabin fever! But, it's surprisingly going well. Matthew has been doing his school work in the mornings. I'm on top of the housework even the laundry. And, we've been having fun with games, playing outside, trips to the park. Not so bad at week we'll be back to our adventures to Chick Fil A, Playgroup, Museum, Zoo etc... Ahh to be a toddler. Life is good!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Menu Plan Monday

Here's this weeks meals! This is the last week of January and the meal planning is paying off. Our grocery budget is under budget this month. I've been couponing each grocery trip this month, menu planning each week, and using the envelope system. It's going great!!! Only 11 more months for the year to go :-)
homemade waffles (from the freezer) w/ fruit
eggs, sausage, toast, fruit
pumpkin chocolate chip muffins w/ fruit
cereal w/ fruit
Chicken Tetrazinni (doubled to make a batch for the freezer)
Spaghetti, broccoli w/ garlic bread
Turkey Casserole (from freezer)
Turkey Burgers w/french fries and side of veggies
homemade cookies
carrot sticks
For more great menu ideas go HERE
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Menu Plan Monday

Here I go! Starting this up again for the New Year, New Begining...
On Sunday we had a Turkey cooked so my dinners this week will be centered around using that up!
Amish Baked Oatmeal w/fruit
Cereal w/fruit
Eggs and sasage w/fruit
Homemade Donut Holes....and fruit
Turkey Soup w/buttery bread machine rolls
spagetti and garlic bread
left overs
mini carrotts
Thursday, January 14, 2010
New Year, New Begining.....

These pictures are my boys toasting each other to the New Year! They are doing their toast with Hot Chocolate from Starbucks!
With the New Year comes our resolutions. And, as always we aim to do better. The couple months leading up to Christmas I was falling off the edge - my eating, my exercise, and spending. I was out of my routine and off my balance beam.
Life is like that a balance beam and it is so easy to loose focus and fall off. But,
we have to pick ourselves up and jump back on. That's what I'm aiming to do to clean up my act a little more :-) I still need much improvement - trust me!
I've started to do better and I'm hoping my blogging it'll help in my accountability. Here's where I am....
- Financially - We've always set our budgets but meeting them is often tricking business. To improve in this area my hubby and I have initiated an envelope of cash system. Each envelope is filled with cash for each spending area (ie grocerys, misc., personal etc.) at the beginning of each month and when the cash is gone we are done for the month! ....a little discipline lesson for us ... I'm up for the challenge here! I've set up an awesome spreadsheet that tracks my grocery spending to help shows all my coupon saving. So far this month I've saved $68 using coupons. Yeah!!!
- Eating/Nutrition - I'm taking small steps here to do better. I was drinking too much coffee!! Now I'm limiting myself to only one (big)cup of caffeinated coffee in the morning then, once that's done I do green tea for the day. I'm a sipper of hot drinks during the winter months so this is working well. I'm being sure to take my daily vitamins and I'm also doing glucosamine vitamins as well.
- Exercise - I need to really get back into my grove in this area. I miss is and it always makes me feel so much better and helps me stay on my balance beam! I've made a point of getting a little more exercise with the boys this week. Going for walks to the park etc. I got a great yoga set for Christmas I need to break out. The colder weather has taken a toll on my exercise but I need to shake that excuse.
- ME ME ME - LOL! I want to get to scheduling some me time. Let's face it if mama don't take care of herself she can't take care of her family. I miss my scrap-booking, it's been about four months since I've done any. I want to get to reserving a night a week for a hobby or interest of my own.
There you have it! That's all I have! Other then that I just need my normal routine back. And, I'm getting there....get back into teaching and caring for my boys doing what I love!
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