These pictures are my boys toasting each other to the New Year! They are doing their toast with Hot Chocolate from Starbucks!
With the New Year comes our resolutions. And, as always we aim to do better. The couple months leading up to Christmas I was falling off the edge - my eating, my exercise, and spending. I was out of my routine and off my balance beam.
Life is like that a balance beam and it is so easy to loose focus and fall off. But,
we have to pick ourselves up and jump back on. That's what I'm aiming to do to clean up my act a little more :-) I still need much improvement - trust me!
I've started to do better and I'm hoping my blogging it'll help in my accountability. Here's where I am....
- Financially - We've always set our budgets but meeting them is often tricking business. To improve in this area my hubby and I have initiated an envelope of cash system. Each envelope is filled with cash for each spending area (ie grocerys, misc., personal etc.) at the beginning of each month and when the cash is gone we are done for the month! ....a little discipline lesson for us ... I'm up for the challenge here! I've set up an awesome spreadsheet that tracks my grocery spending to help out...it shows all my coupon saving. So far this month I've saved $68 using coupons. Yeah!!!
- Eating/Nutrition - I'm taking small steps here to do better. I was drinking too much coffee!! Now I'm limiting myself to only one (big)cup of caffeinated coffee in the morning then, once that's done I do green tea for the day. I'm a sipper of hot drinks during the winter months so this is working well. I'm being sure to take my daily vitamins and I'm also doing glucosamine vitamins as well.
- Exercise - I need to really get back into my grove in this area. I miss is and it always makes me feel so much better and helps me stay on my balance beam! I've made a point of getting a little more exercise with the boys this week. Going for walks to the park etc. I got a great yoga set for Christmas I need to break out. The colder weather has taken a toll on my exercise but I need to shake that excuse.
- ME ME ME - LOL! I want to get to scheduling some me time. Let's face it if mama don't take care of herself she can't take care of her family. I miss my scrap-booking, it's been about four months since I've done any. I want to get to reserving a night a week for a hobby or interest of my own.
There you have it! That's all I have! Other then that I just need my normal routine back. And, I'm getting there....get back into teaching and caring for my boys doing what I love!
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