Monday, June 30, 2008

Menu Planning Monday


Apple Pie Muffins
Buttermilk Pancakes
Starbucks Scones
German Apple Pie Pancakes
Swiss Muesli
Yogurt Pops


Crock Pot Potato Chowder
Black Bean and Tortilla Bakes
Ground Beef Gyros
Broccoli and Rice Quiche

These recipes can be found on The Grocery Cart Challenge page. I am intrigued by her challenge. And while I know I'll be spending more then $50 a week to feed my family of four - I'm playing a game of sorts!!!! We'll see where it goes?!?!?!


Gayle said...

Let me know which recipes you like the best. Just thinking about the gyros and falafel is making me drool.

Terri said...

Tonight was the black beans and tortillia back and it was yummy! Healthy too! I'm looking forward to the gyros and falfels as well!!!
Thanks for the recipes :-)