Friday, July 25, 2008

Goulash for a frugal quick meal

There is a great blog out there that I have learned so much from that I have spoken of in a couple of my previous posts. This blog is "The Grocery Cart Challenge" the creator is Gayle. And she is doing a recipe swap on Fridays. We are sharing our own frugal and quick recipes via a link on her web page. So here is my contribution this week!

This week I am sharing Mom's Goulash. I remember my Mother making this when I was a child. I don't know if it was her reason to make it because it was frugal and easy. But nonetheless I remember her making it and she still does to this day. I have to be honest it is not a favorite of mine but my brother always loved it! I'll admit to being fussy at times - I am easy to please but picky at the same time. For example a simple bowl of cereal and I'm happy :-)

So here is the recipe for Mom's Goulash.

1 lb hamburger meat
1 (26 ounce) can tomato soup
1 (10 3/4 ounce) can tomato soup
2 (8 ounce) bags macaroni
1/4 cup chopped onion
salt and pepper to taste

All you do is brown the hamburger meat and onion add the tomato soup. While doing this boil the macaroni. Then drain the water from the macaroni and add it to the meat mixture. Add some salt and pepper to taste. You can also sprinkle some Parmesan cheese if you desire.

And if you do not have any tomato soup on hand try using ketchup!

There you go!!!


Duckygirl said...

I like goulash, it's really a childhood memory isn't it? We made one like this (ours had corn). Easy & kind of meal!


Gayle said...

My kids love this because they think it's homemade hamburger helper. Thanks for posting this week!

Anonymous said...

Hi Terri, thanks for your nice comments on my blog! :) Your recipe for goulash sounds like something my boys will love!
